Who we are
Alpha Hospital and Research Centre (Alpha AHRC) is a Specialty Hospital in Madurai, Tamilnadu. It is located at a distance of 5 km from Railway Junction, 7.2 km from Airport and takes 15 minutes drive from Heart of the city. It is well connected by Air, Rail and Road Transport. We have a 2 Theatres septic and aseptic Theatre.
They are well equipped technology with trained doctors, nurses, nutritional counselors, diabetic educators, clinical psychologists, behavior therapists and physiotherapists for patients requiring critical care.
Our Hospital is deeply committed to the highest standards of excellence in medical care. At the same time we place a lot of importance on the traditional values of hospitality and compassionate patient care. Our primary concern is to ensure that your health and comfort receives special attention and that you are given the best possible care once you enter the portals of our hospital.
AlphaHRC was setup to keep pace with the advancement in patient care and also to contribute to the growth of medical science. Our mission; 1) To provide quality, state of art and affordable medical care through our various medical clinics, 2) To strengthen medical research, 3) To train doctors and healthcare professionals in the speciality of endocrinology, 4) To create community awareness.
The LOGO signifies:

The circle as an concept was chosen because: Circles occur frequently in nature and is the sun, the moon, and the stars that guide us; In superficial it may look two people joining hands, But what you see inside, it is the shape of the thyroid gland.
The logo contains 4 quarter circle and 2 small rounds - Total of 6 components. There are 6 major endocrine glands in our body, 4 are paired and 2 are unpaired.
ALPHA stands for: Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet denotes beginning. Alpha also denotes dominance and is the first in order of importance; "the alpha male in the group of chimpanzees"; "the alpha star in a constellation is the brightest or main star".
Medical clinics: Endocrine disease and its associated co-morbidities affect the quality of life and creates huge economic burden to an individual and their family. The interesting part of endocrinology is that most of the diseases are treatable. We have an expert team to provide best comprehensive medical care to our patients through various clinics.
1. Diabetes clinic
2. Thyroid clinic
3. Pediatric endocrinology clinic
4. Growth clinic
5. Reproductive endocrinology clinic
6. Obesity clinic
7. Bone clinic
8. Metabolic clinic
9. Podiatry clinic
Medical research: Basic research, epidemiological studies and clinical researches are done by us. Dr.V.Kumaravel is a principal investigator for various international multi centric clinical trials. He will also be heading our research programme. We have a basic research lab and intend to study islet cell biology in diabetes patient. We would be starting our Islet cell transplant programme in near future. We have under taken various collaborative work with universities and medical schools both at national and international level.
Medical Education: AlphaHRC conducts regular CME programme for the doctors, nurses and diabetes educators. We do plan to have PhD and diploma courses in various clinical and nonclinical areas related to diabetes, thyroid and endocrinology. We will also be providing training for clinical research.
Community awareness: AlphaHRC conducts regular camps and awareness programme for the public regarding diabetes, thyroid and various endocrine disorders. We are doing CHOP (Childhood Obesity Prevention) programme, an initiative to prevent childhood obesity.